Our two economies and the aura of safe money

Good judgment does not always accompany a good education or impressive professional experience. Where we Americans go badly wrong is trusting authority under the aura of education and pseudo professionalism. There are many fools under these mantras. There is really no substitute for taking personal responsibility in every area of our lives, including health, which…

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One fat makes you fat, the other makes you thin

If we understand the science behind nutrition we can understand that the pathway to good health is good eating. Or properly stated; the pathway to good health is grasping that what we eat is our natural medicine and we should choose our foods carefully, avoiding the bad and consuming the good. For years the conventional…

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Freedom from the winter scourge of viruses

There are two words that, if we understand them and use them to our benefit, will shield our families from sickness and disease. “Optimal immunity.” These are indeed magic words that seem to be up in the ether in a faraway dream for most people. When it comes to allergies, common colds, inflammation and other…

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New good news for coffee drinkers this New Year!

There was a time when coffee was considered a health deterrent. Things have done a complete 180 as far as that’s concerned. Coffee has been shown in studies to help prevent Parkinson’s due to its phenylindanes, which are enhanced by roasting. Coffee can help your eyesight because the beverage contains chlorogenic acid, a powerful antioxidant…

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We still live in a beautiful world

A nation has a body and a soul just as does a human being. Americans today are isolated from the reality that America is a fascist state in politics and spirit. How has this happened and why? Americans unconsciously separate in their minds the soul and the body of the nation. They see the material…

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